
Welcome to HoppyHomes4Bunnies Bonding Service!


Our team at HoppyHomes4Bunnies is dedicated to helping your rabbits build a strong bond. We offer supervised interaction sessions, expert advice on rabbit behavior, and necessary interventions during the bonding period for $250 per week. The bonding process could take less time but the fee remains at $250 due to the nature of the bunnies needing constant supervision to minimize the chance of injury and increase the chances of success. 

While we can't guarantee immediate results due to the unpredictable nature of rabbit behavior, we are committed to supporting you throughout the process.

Bonding rabbits takes time and patience, and we'll provide you with guidance to continue the bonding journey at home.

As a responsible rabbit owner, you play a crucial role in ensuring the welfare of your bunnies before, during, and after the bonding sessions. Your commitment to their safety and well-being is key to a successful bonding experience.


Please note that HoppyHomes4Bunnies and our team are not liable for any injuries, damages, or behavioral changes that may occur during the bonding process. By working with us, you acknowledge and accept the risks associated with rabbit behavior and interaction.


To get started on your bonding adventure, please advise on your adoption application that you would like us to assist with the bonding. All bunnies must be spayed and neutered before this process can begin.


If you ever need to end our partnership, just send us a written notice. We're here to support you every hop of the way!