


We will do what we can to help, however we receive 4 times as many requests for people to surrender their pets/ notify us of dumped bunnies than we do of people trying to adopt. If you have more than one bunny you are trying to surrender - please fill out the form individually for each bunny.


We typically CANNOT give an estimate for how long the wait is for surrender as it depends on funding and successful adoptions- but we can tell you how many bunnies are in the “queue”


Please DO NOT DUMP YOUR BUNNY. Domestic rabbits and wild rabbits are not the same and dumping is often times a death sentence. When animal welfare advocates are able to catch them it takes additional time and resources, making it even more difficult for them to continue rescuing. It is the easiest for us to take in bunnies that are spayed/neutered and vaccinated, as we can’t rehome them ourselves without that having been done and will not make the money back until that bunny is adopted- if ever. 


After you have filled out the form below- one of our advocates will reach out to you to let you know how many rabbits are in the queue. Please do not reach out again. If you have unspayed and unneutered bunnies together past 10 weeks separate IMMEDIATELY. Fertile bunnies can have babies every 28 days. 


 As previously mentioned, we cannot give wait times, and as urgent emergencies arise, we may have to adjust the order. We will also provide counseling on short term solutions (if any). Our goal for you is ultimately to have the successful adoption you anticipated when you adopted your furry friend!